Spirolite HDPE Culvert Reline Beneath Bustling Interstate

Seamless replacement of 280-foot culvert crossing in Indiana

Project Description and Location

Replace 280-foot in 144” culvert crossing, underneath 4-lane major highway in Interstate 65 near Lafayette, Indiana.

The highway I-65 connects Chicago to Indianapolis, the traffic is heavy 24/7 and could not be efficiently rerouted. The job was to to be done without interrupting the traffic, which meant the culvert had to be slip lined. 280 FT of 120” Spirolite pipe was provided for the job.

Project Scope

Replacement of 280 FT in 144” culvert crossing with 120” HDPE pipe, underneath the 4 lane highway without interrupting the traffic. The smooth inside diameter of HDPE allows for the same equivalent flow as the existing 144” corrugated metal culvert. Because of its light weight and the “Bell and Spigot” connection, the profle pipes couldn easily be installed, each section being connected to the previous and then pushed into the existing culvert, under live flow.

This highway crosses many streams which are critcal for the local farming community and for the local ecosystem.

The only way to reline the existing culvert and keep the same hydraulic characteristic was using HDPE pipe. As Solid Wall is not manufactured in these diameters, an HDPE Profle wall was chosen, as it has all the superior characteristcs of HDPE pipe. The project was completed without stopping the traffic, in less than two days in Summer of 2019.


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